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Sustainable development should become the important content of the agricultural "Thirteen Five Plan"

发布时间:2015/7/30 发布者:管理员



Into the second half, "Thirteen five" planning related work is being carried out wildly beating gongs and drums. "45" planning beginning and ending time from 2016 to 2020. This is also the previously China in a number of long-term economic and social development planning of the cutoff year. To 2020 to reach the target, 18 big reports of the party has been clearly is to full completion of a well-off society in an all-round way, GDP and per capita income to more than double by 2010, which means "45" planning will be in to achieve the two goals of the sprint.

In this special period, at the same time in the macro economy into the new normal, the next five years, China's modern agricultural development will face what difficulties and challenges? The agricultural "Thirteen five" planning should have new ideas, to highlight the focus of what?

In this regard, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, northwest Sci Tech University of agriculture and forestry assistant principal Huo Xue Xi professor said that building a system of agricultural sustainable development and perfect modern agriculture industry system, accelerate the innovation of agricultural science and technology to ensure food security, food security, should become the key content of the planning of agricultural "45".

Agricultural ecological environment management is urgent

"For a long time, our country in order to protect the domestic high level of 'grain self-sufficiency rate', increase the output of agricultural products, ignoring the sustainable use of water and soil resources and ecological environment, agricultural resources exist over exploitation and utilization, ecological existence of serious overdraft problem." Huo Xuexi said.

Statistics show that the annual national new construction land occupied about 4800000 acres of arable land, the arable land is occupied by the waste of arable land resources, and through the balance of the total arable land is not high. Even more important, the quality of cultivated land, the black soil layer thinning, soil acidification, and the cultivation of the shallow, etc.. Compared with the average level of the developed countries, the effective utilization coefficient of irrigation water is 0.2, and the groundwater in North China is serious. National soil erosion area of 2950000 square kilometers, the average annual soil erosion amount of 45 tons.

Not only water and soil are facing serious resource constraints, industrial pollution is also the foundation of agricultural development.

In the industrial "three wastes" and the city life, exogenous pollution to the agricultural and rural diffusion, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals continue penetrate to the environment of place of origin of agricultural products, the point of major pollutants in the soil exceeded the rate of 16.1%, according to published by the end of May "national sustainable agricultural development planning (2015-2030)".

"The '45' planning to highlight around the central raised to speed up agricultural modernization, promoting sustainable development of agriculture, at the request of the management of agricultural environment, agricultural land consolidation, farmland ecological restoration, through the planning regulation and policy of strong support, through 5 years of time, as the fundamental to solve agricultural soil degradation, environmental pollution and other issues a primary foundation."

In addition, Huo Xuexi thinks, food safety should also become the agricultural "45" is an important content of planning. "Since 2012, the government has increased the reform of food safety and food market supervision system. But the food safety situation is still very grim, compared with the western countries, there is a regulatory system is not perfect, food safety technical regulations and standards, industrial infrastructure and other issues." Huo Xue Xi recommended that the food safety regulatory system reform, mechanism innovation, food safety technical regulations and standards for construction and into the "45" planning.

The fundamental way to solve the food security lies in the innovation of science and technology

"China's modern agricultural foundation is weak, the organization mode is backward, agricultural production has been in high cost, low efficiency operation state, the agricultural production costs continue to rise, the main agricultural products prices and international comparison are high." Huo Xuexi said that this situation does not meet the needs of agricultural development, it is difficult to deal with the impact of international trade. Therefore, it is suggested to speed up the construction of modern agricultural industry system, innovate agricultural management system, accelerate the construction of new agricultural management system, cultivate the main body of new agricultural management, improve agricultural organization, scale and industrialization level.

Huo Xuexi believes that in the construction of new agricultural management system, the cultivation of new professional farmers is an important content. "China's agricultural industry in the world competition is still in the industrial chain in the low-end, agricultural science and technology talent shortage, quality and service quality to be improved; a large number of rural labor of the young migrant workers, resulting in the countryside 'hollow', rural practical talents lean." Huo Xue Xi said, how to solve the "who to farming and modern agriculture development, the most effective is to cultivate new professional farmers.

In addition, Huo Xuexi also believes that the contradiction between the supply and demand of agricultural products in China is outstanding, the need to guide the adjustment of agricultural production structure, optimize the layout of agricultural regions.

"We are now a lot of agricultural products are in the forefront of the world, the total amount of. But from the structural point of view, China's per capita rice, wheat and other grain consumption from the last century, the 90's began to decline, while the high added value of livestock products, aquatic products and fruits and vegetables accounted for the proportion of food consumption continued rapid growth." Huo Xue Xi said that with the acceleration of the transformation of the structure of food consumption of residents in China, cattle and sheep meat, milk and other high value products supply and demand contradiction intensifies, the food security of the structural problems are conspicuous, but subject on agricultural resources and international trade issues, this contradiction will president during the. The fundamental way to solve this problem is to keep pushing forward the progress of agricultural science and technology.

"At present, scientific and technological innovation capability is still the bottleneck of modern agricultural development, independent innovation to the industrial transformation of basic science and technology system is very backward, we must further strengthen scientific and technological innovation, increase agricultural investment, rely on innovation driven to achieve agricultural production and efficiency, improve the grassroots technology promotion system, etc.." Huo Xuexi said, in the "Thirteen five" plan, we should solve this problem the introduction of specific, more operational policies and regulations.